Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Who should get a noodle? Me!!

Today has been a difficult day. I awoke with the hope that I would finally accomplish the two bureaucratic tasks that have prevented me from enjoying my Parisian life: finish the insane paperwork to get my residence permit, and get my bank card so I can actually access the fellowship money sitting in my bank. Alas, neither was very successful. I did, however, manage to convince my personal banking advisor to at least start the process to get me my bank card, although this was after waiting in the lobby for more than an hour and explaining for the eightieth time that I was not going to get my residence permit for several months probably, and that it was ridiculous to expect me to wait that long to get the money that I am supposed to be living on. I also pointed out that several other friends in the same situation had gotten their bankcards several weeks ago (and from the same bank!) It's pretty insane how everything in France depends on the specific location, so while Katie could get her bankcard from this same bank in the 13th, I, in the 4th, can not because of some person who doesn't want to give it to me! GRRRR.

But I have to say, the thing that really ruined my day was that during my daily visit to Perez Hilton, I discovered that he just got a goldenoodle puppy. (Some people call them Goldendoodles, but I like goldenoodle better). Anyone who has been around me the last few months knows that Aaron and I have spent several productive hours putting together a list of the four puppies we want with their respective names. Top of the list is, of course, a goldenoodle named Noodle. I either want one that is modeled on Riley, the lovely little black muppet I dogsat last spring, or this cutie

(many more adorable pictures can be found at
How come Perez Hilton gets a puppy and I don't? Oh the tragedies of life!

Someday I will get one though, and she will play so nicely with our other puppies:
1. a wolf/malamute named Tzara (after Tristan Tzara of course) who looks like my beautiful Brandy, who died about 4 years ago (seen here 'dancing' with my mom):

2. a Bernese mountain dog named Djuna (after Djuna Barnes)

3. and Aaron's favorite, a Newfoundland (or Newfie) named Roxie Sparklebaum. He picked that name, not me. Newfies are known as water rescue dogs so Aaron envisions Roxie Sparklebaum as a superhero Newfie who will save many drowning children. And everytime she jumps into the water (à la this dog), Aaron will say in his cartoony voice "Go get em Roxie Sparklebaum!!"

I think we will be excellent dog owners, although clearly we cannot be trusted with children or other human beings.


kinetic said...

The ailment, blithering idiocy, that has stymied my blogwriting is threatening to take down my blog commenting. But I will not give in to it! I will eke out some lame sentences like: I like dogs!! I miss Brandy! Dogs are cute! Get a dog and have it growl menacingly at bank workers! ...well, at least it was enthusiastic.

DSF said...

Magnificent comment! So many big, complicated words - no blithering in sight!

Could-be-a-model said...

While I am sure this will betray my utter ignorance of modernity (eh, don't care so much about that), I don't get the references of the names of the possible future puppies. Please explain.

DSF said...

It's time for Wikipedia! Tristan Tzara founded the Dada movement and Djuna Barnes was a modernist writer who had a fairly dramatic life and in a brilliant piece of investigative journalism, went through force feeding so she could relate in detail what the British suffragettes were going through.
Plus I have a love for any name that starts with two consonants.

Could-be-a-model said...

I worry that Boy Parts might intentionally push a small child into a lake just so he could dispatch Roxie Sparklebaum after them and say, "Go get 'em Roxie Sparklebaum!".

DSF said...

That worries me as well, especially considering our views on children.

kinetic said...

My coworker Barbara just told me that her friend is saying goodbye to her beloved newfie, Henry, today. Apparently Henry was hilariously stubborn and only eventually passed his water rescue class after she had to enlist the help of others several times to haul him OUT of the water. Also he apparently had a fondness for pawing at fish in the shallows and chomping at them. I told her about Roxie and it cheered her up.