Here we are in front of the Louvre when Aaron still had his enormous mountain man beard. He shaved it off a few days later and now looks 50 years younger!
Here is apparently the new way to view Paris - on a Segway. I'd like to see them battle some crazy Paris drivers though - that would be an interesting showdown!
Here are some strange items we found wandering around the art galleries and antique shops on the Left Bank on New Year's Day. Everything was closed so we window-shopped all day long without people wanting us to buy things. It was quite lovely, although freezing cold. Fortunately this dog is dressed for the weather.
This next photos make up what I like to call the "Notre Dame Collection." We caught it just at sunset, and the light was really beautiful as you can see in the first picture. Unfortunately we didn't quite make it to the other side to get the second picture before the light disappeared. And finally this is what it looks like at night with the spotlight on top of the Eiffel Tower.
And finally a shot of the sparkly Eiffel Tower from the Pantheon during a rainy night. We had just eaten a very large meal of Tibetan food so were sort of groggy, and unfortunately the sparkly lights don't show up very well in photos, but you can just imagine what it must have looked like.
The sun is out today for the first time in several days so hopefully we will find some other fun things to see. I also must get a picture of my new, and very stylish, beret and my newly mullet-free hair (Aaron had to cut it because if you go into a salon in Paris, you will undoubtedly emerge with an even worse mullet).
Hope you all had happy New Year's celebrations!
lovely lovely lovely!
Lovely pictures. Except for the really scary one of Mountain Man Boy Parts.
Wow, what a beard!
I love pictures.
Because I know that could-be-a-model would probably be weirded out by strange people posting to her blog I will say here in YOUR comments how funny I thought it was when I saw that Abby is a meteorological something something model--er. I immediately posted a message to her facebook congratulating her on being a model.....(er). Okay, I haven't been drinking, I'm just naturally stupid and also reeeally easily amused (which is handy). I'm going to start censoring myself
Ok, I don't know who Kinetic is, but just to let s/he know, I am a comment loving whore.
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