Sunday, November 18, 2007

When everything is on strike and you have too much time on your hands...

I watched The Bourne Identity this afternoon (still one of my favorite action/spy movies) and discovered that the final scene in the Paris apartment when Matt Damon takes out Chris Cooper (unfortunately leaving Julia Stiles to perform in future Bourne installments) and drops down several flights of stairs on top of a dead body takes place in the courtyard about 10 feet from my apartment! And you can actually see my street in the movie, and several shots of the cafe that I steal my wireless internet from. It's like sort of being famous without the paparazzi!

I also spent much of the day googling people from my past and on a whim googled myself. There are lots of strange entries, but also a photo taken from the FB reception at the French senate building just to prove to you all that I am in France, drinking lots of alcohol (I think this was about my third glass of champagne - open bar!), and fulfilling my duties as a FB fellow by smiling for pictures:

What a productive day I've had!


your small american said...

Wow, that's a great jacket.

kinetic said...

It IS a nice jacket. I would like to say that I, too, love the Bourne trilogy. And, especially by the last one, when they're sitting in the cafe and Julia's implying that they once had a relationship, and especially once I read the interview in which she revealed that she once played an ill-received prank on Matt Damon by standing up after the scene to reveal a fake-preggo pillow up her's all those things in combination that distract me from the movie and make me think, "Wow--that must've been awkward."

DSF said...

Thanks for the compliments on the jacket! It is actually by far the most expensive and nicest thing I own. The color is actually better than in the picture and I fell in love with it at first sight in Nordstroms one day. Aaron then got it for me for Christmas!


I plan to visit Paris very soon and want to visit as many if not all of the locations where The Bourne Identity was filmed.

What street do you live on?
As I want to see the street where Bourne's boss Conklin is killed.

Also do you know which apartment block they filmed the scene where Bourne he jumps/falls down.

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